Funding for the Academic Senate Faculty Research Grants Program is graciously provided by the Office of Research. 

Open to all UCSB senate ladder-rank faculty members, grant proposals must focus on research questions or department/unit-specific projects that tackle the deep and pervasive systemic injustices that are driven by racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, anti-indigeneity, anti-Semitism, transphobia, xenophobia, Islamophobia, genderism, and many other exclusionary beliefs as they manifest through daily institutionalized practices. 

The grant’s aim is to provide seed funding to support proposals that seek to reduce inequalities, and to increase representation and retention. In addition, this grant supports in-depth climate studies to support department/unit policy and climate changes. It could also provide seed funding for research/projects focused on larger systemic injustices.


Any member of the Academic Senate Santa Barbara Division may apply. Proposals with budgets up to $10,000 will be considered, although higher budgets will be subject to extra scrutiny.  Priority is given to:

  • Junior faculty with a clear need for funding;
  • Projects for which no extramural funding source can be identified;
  • Requests for seed monies with a high potential for DEISJ institutional and larger systemic impact;
  • Requests that extend/augment work currently supported by extramural funds, in particular, to prepare extramural renewal DEISJ proposals.

Applications will be reviewed by the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Social Justice Grant Committee.

Packet submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis

The chart below summarizes expenses that are considered eligible and ineligible for funding. Please see the Faculty Research Grants Policy for details.

Category Considered Not Considered
Research and Clerical Assistance


  • Undergraduate and graduate student appointments must be on an hourly basis and less than 24% time during the academic year



  • Student appointments of 25% time or more during the academic year
  • Student tuition, fees, and insurance
  • Postdoc appointments




  • Project specific specialized equipment that cannot be obtained from departmental or facility funds, or is not readily available elsewhere on campus.



  • Major equipment items should be requested in the regular departmental budget process




  • Project specific computer time, programming services, computer software, and databases;
  • Computing devices that are primarily used for performing, e.g., field research in the project.



  • Computers and hardware used for routine tasks including managing and tabulating data, writing/editing documents are generally considered administrative costs;
  • Personal computer used solely for the preparation of a manuscript is not an allowable expense




  • Expendable research supplies that are not normally provided by the department
  • Justified, project-specific, reasonable copy charges



  • General office supplies


Field and Travel Expenses


  • Costs related to field research and field assistance
  • Visits to museums, archives, and libraries
  • Domestic travel to conduct research
  • Foreign travel to conduct research



  • Travel to conferences for the purpose of presenting research results or creative work should be requested through the Faculty Travel Grants program
  • Travel to certain states using state funding source, as prohibited by AB 1887


Publication Charges


  • Payments related to publication preparations (including subvention)



  • Cost of preprints or reprints
  • Cost of journal fees; requests should be made through the Library




  • Research funding to conduct conferences is given very low priority; however, significant professional conferences held locally that enhance or promote UCSB research programs may be considered with justification
  • Travel costs for principal invited speakers, not to exceed $100 per day for each day the conference is in session



  • Conference registration fees
  • Honoraria


Books, Journals, Periodicals, Microfilm Copies...etc.


  • Under exceptional circumstances and with verification of the Library's inability to purchase the items, requests of this category may be considered; all such materials purchased become property of the University and must be turned over to the Library when the immediate research need has been fulfilled.
  • Commissioning digital copies of rare documents or manuscripts may also be considered. When such copies are designated by the seller as intended for personal use only, then the faculty is not required to turn them over to the library upon completion of their research.



  • Generally not considered


Thriving through Reform, Together Initiative

Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and the Office of Research